Sunday, February 26, 2012

Exciting Artsy Stuff

I am soooooooooooo excited!!!

Last fall/winter I read about an event I really wanted to attend called "The Soulful Artist". Unfortunately the dates were for this weekend and it is Ben's birthday. There is no way I could just jet out for the weekend when my baby was turning 12. Who knows how much longer he will even want me around??? So I figured, it just wasn't meant to be. Then a few weeks ago, I was reading Christy Tomlinson's blog and she announced there were two cancellations for their March 1-4 weekend. Holy cow! Really?!! I was so excited, I went straight to the site and signed up!

The weekend is hosted by Donna Downey and her guest is Christy Tomlinson. Now, for those of you who are not familiar with these amazing women, let me tell you about them! I was first introduced (not literally or physically) to Donna through Simple Scrapbooks magazine and I just loved her style and personality and well, her creative mind. I have purchase two of her books and I think she has incredible talent and style I gravitate to in paper crafting. She has since started her own art studio and does all kinds of incredible work including painting, sewing, etc. She rocks!

I am not sure how I "happened" to come across Christy Tomlinson's blog one day last year, but she seriously changed my life (and I don't even know her). I loved her spirit and personality in her blog and the fact that she was so "real" and not perfect (like me)!! I signed up to take her She Art Workshop and fell in love with painting again!!! I had put all that away thinking I wasn't good enough, but she really showed another whole world - mixed media art - and made me think differently about art and creating and turning mistakes into something golden! I started becoming addicting to painting and creating new things and I actually liked most of what I was creating! THANK YOU!!! bring me to my point about next weekend.... I will be attending this intimate workshop with these two women leading a group of us into exploring art! HOW FUN IS THAT?????!!!

I am so excited! I am trying to decide what to pack, what will I want to bring, will I want to read at night? will I want to blog? will I want to paint more? I just can not wait! I will have to post pictures of completed works, etc. Thank you to my sweet and supportive husband who knows how badly I need this weekend!! He understands I need this kind of "food" for my soul! I love you honey!

Right now here are a few pictures of things I have recently made. This will be the BEFORE photos (as in before my amazing workshop):

After posting these pictures, I am seeing a serious "heart" theme going on. (even on my angel girl ... who still needs some words) Maybe I will have some better AFTER photos to show you next week after I immerse myself in artsy goodness?!!